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Teacher Support

Teacher Training

Overall time

2 hours 30 minutes


How to manage money


Ages 3-11 (KS1/2)

What's it about?

We are offering free, in-house financial education teacher training for up to 500 primary schools over 2021-2022, to enable an even greater transformation to the financial education of children in those schools.

Each school will receive:

  • In person 2.5 hour training event for teachers (available online or face to face, depending

on local restrictions and availability). Delivered by Young Money, training will include guidance on financial education in the primary curriculum, ideas on parental engagement and suggestions of how to use Money Heroes resources

  • Online platform access – teachers can engage with resources and learning, and share

activities with parents

  • Further one-to-one, school-specific financial education mentoring support
  • Hero asset delivery – teachers will receive these immediately following the training so

they can implement ideas/initiatives straightaway

  • On receipt of their completed evaluation, a certificate of recognition as a Money Heroes

School will be given to each school

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