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A day out with Ed and Bunny - Home Activity

Overall time

30 minutes


Managing risks and emotions associated with money


Ages 3-7 (KS1)


This activity follows on from Ed and Bunny Earn Some Money and should be completed after reading the storybook, which is available as an eBook in the related resources section.

In this activity, children will create their own Money Tree and then decide how they would spend the money Ed and Bunny earned in different situations. This activity will help your child learn about where money comes from and encourage them to think about how to manage their money and the feelings that they might encounter as they do so.


This book covers the following themes from the Young Money Financial Education Planning Framework

  • Managing risks and emotions associated with money: Saving money
  • Being a critical consumer: Choices about saving and spending

Learning objectives

This book covers the following learning objectives from the Young Money Financial Education Planning Framework

  • I know I can save my money to use later instead of spending it all now.
  • I can make a simple plan for my saving and spending choices and stick to it.

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